
Diagnostics of vault for free

In our stores in Prague we will measure width, length and shape of vault and recommend you suitable skates and insoles just for you. Thanks to exact measured numbers we can personalize your choice of skates, thanks to this you will choose skates more easily, which will fit you perfectly. At the same time thanks to perfectly shaped insoles you will higher your comfort when you use skates and their maneuverability, speed and precision of transfer of reactions.  Change of insoles you can see also in expensive models of skates. After the first skating in correctly shaped shoes you will not want original insoles anymore. Correct position of foot affects ankles, knees nad hips and thanks to good shaped insoles you can relieve joints of low limbs.

Insoles you can choose in this category.

Diagnostics of vault

                Sidas Feet Revelator

We provide the measuring on the measuring machine feet revelator. This is measuring machine, which not only measure width and length of foot, will show also imprinted vault, from which we can then recommend insoles suitable just for you. 

Three basic types of feet from measured lengthwise vault:

                                                         vložky do sportovních bot


In our offer we have preformed insoles Sidas 3D and top thermoformable insoles Formthotics.

Stop at our shop and let us to recommend correct shape of sport insoles. 


Sidas 3D :



Sidas 3D flexibility Sidas 3D comfortSidas 3D Gel

nízká klenbastřední klenbavysoká klenba

Formthotics Dual Density :


The main advantage of insoles formthotic is possibility to thermoformable them, thanks to it insoles will have perfect shape just for your foot. Advantage is also easy maintenance, insoles are antibacterial and they can be clean easily. Thanks to special foam, from which they are made you can clean insoles with soap water if needed, dry them with dry cloth and they are clean, odorless and ready to be used. 

How to shape insoles:

1) We take out original insoles from shoes.
2) Insoles Formthotics we cut on the top to correct length, until is needed. 
3) We put insoles to shoes so they are good centered. Insole should not be mounted more to one side etc. 
4) We heat up shoes so insole Formthotics will soften. We can use hair dryer or heat gun for setting temperature around 80 C. We are trying the softness of insole with finger - heated insole is soft. Heating takes mostly about 3-4 minutes.  
5) We put shoes on when sitting and we fasten them When fasten shoes, we don´t load them, so insole will not be shaped when we fasten them. 
6) We put feet collaterally and we stand up slowly. We load insoles by slow mild squad. Weight is lightly in front part of feet. Front of the knee is above middle finger. 
7) We hold in this position one minut or until insoles will not cool down. We try to have neutral stand because of loading of insoles with foot. 
8) After cooling down we take out the insoles from shoes and check if on insoles are not wrinkles and heel is good shaped in the middle of insole. If it is needed, we can insoles cut again and maybe repeat process for more shaping. 



        Formthotics Dual Density                                          měření tvaru chodidla



Ask a question
19.05.2018, Radek D.:
Dobrý den,
vlastním kolečkové brusle FILA NINE 100 ( najeto na nich cca 15000km ). V současné chvíli u obou bruslí už mám rozedřenou vnitřní výstelku boty na vnitřní straně paty. Bylo by možné dokoupit nějakou novou vhodnou botu, nebo doporučit nějaké brusle které by lépe seděli. Během jedné vyjížďky najedu cca 20-50Km s průměrnou rychlostí lehce nad 20 Km/1h.
Předem děkuji za radu
s pozdravem Radek Dutý tel.: 602 208 006
21.05.2018, iclukas:
Dobrý den,

po takové porci Km stojí za zváženou nové brusle, ale dá se sehnat i vložka (liner). Ideálně prodiskutovat. Zavoláme Vám na dané telefonní číslo a domluvíme se konkrétně :)

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