Multifunctional backpack DIXI is equipped with special handles for attaching of roller skates from outside, by which is prevented dirt inside of backpack and inside storaged things.
Volume: 27 L
Dimensions: 50 x 31 x 19 cm
Backpack DIXI is in places in contact with back sufficiently reinforced, is anatomical shaped, by which ensures to user high comfort. Has also ventilation for back with removable construction for easier cleaning. Buckle on strap over chest is also a whistle.
Backpack DIXI is also equipped with:
- transition for MP3 player
- holder for hose to bidon with drinking on arm strap
- chest and lumbar strap
- raincoat for backpack hidden in self bag in bottom part of backpack
- two side mesh bags for drinking
- two small outer bags with zip
- one large main space with separate bag for notebook
- one small inner bag for storaging valuables
- safety reflex elements

Tempish je český výrobce specializující se na širokou škálu sportovního vybavení, včetně kolečkových bruslí, skateboardů a dalších produktů. Společnost nabízí in-line brusle, quad brusle, zimní brusle, longboardy, skateboardy, koloběžky a florbalové vybavení. Tempish klade důraz na kvalitu, inovace a dostupnost svých výrobků pro širokou veřejnost.
Tempish s.r.o., Bratří Wolfů 16, 779 00 Olomouc, Česká republika
E-mail: prodej@tempish.cz