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With a sleek black look and tonnes of features, The POWERSLIDE Jet Pro Black is a versatile inline s
-10 %
POWERSLIDE Jet Pro Black adj.
135.83 EUR150.93 EUR
Balení 4 vysoce kvalitních koleček s dlouhou životností pro městské inline bruslení. Nejjemnější PU,
POWERSLIDE Juice FSK 76mm F1 4ks
22.29 EUR
Kolečkové brusle Powerslide Kaze 110 Trinity - Hybridní bota bez manžety pro pohodlí a oporu s uchyc
POWERSLIDE Kaze 110 Trinity
271.54 EUR
Freestyle inline brusle Powerslide Kaze Trinity s kompozitovým skeletem, brusle jsou usazeny na PS T
POWERSLIDE Kaze Black 90 Trinity
336.11 EUR
This brake pad fits our Powerslide Khaan Junior SQD kid's adjustable skates. Usually, it should take
Summertime - skating time Summertime is skate time – perfect for kids to get out, strap on their sk
-0 %
POWERSLIDE Khaan Junior Pro adj.
130.70 EUR130.71 EUR
It’s hard not to have fun when your little one is skating on the POWERSLIDE Junior SQD Black. Fast,
POWERSLIDE Khaan Junior SQD Black adj.
121.38 EUR
Fast, fun, durable, and size-adjustable, the POWERSLIDE Khaan Junior SQD Pink is the perfect option
POWERSLIDE Khaan Junior SQD Pink adj.
121.38 EUR