Spacers are metal rollers put in wheels between bearings in-line skates, skateboards and scooters. They provides correct spacing of bearings centres in order to avoid their delfection from circuit (this would lead to slowdown of bearings). Wheels without spacers will hardly rotate. Diameter of wheel screw (screw which goes throw the wheel and chassis) need to be known for correct choice of spacer. It is offered with diameter either 8mm or approximately 6mm.
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Powerslide replacement aluminum spacers are made of 6061 aircraft aluminum. They fit all common inli
WICKED AL Spacer 6mm
9.96 EUR
Powerslide Alu Spacers are made of 6061 aircraft aluminum. These "Ufo" aka floating spacers fit all
POWERSLIDE AL Spacer 8mm silver
1.19 EUR
This metal frame spacer can be used to assemble Powerslide Roadrunner 150mm PU wheels in SUV Outback
-2 %
POWERSLIDE Frame Spacer SUV 150
0.48 EUR0.49 EUR
IQON Decode Aluminum Spacers do what you expect them to do. Utmost precision to make your wheels spi
Set spacerů od značky Tempish s vnitřním průměrem 8 mm. Balení obsahuje 2 kusy. Délka 4,50 mm
-0 %
TEMPISH SPACER set 2 ks ,v.p. 8 mm
1.98 EUR1.99 EUR
Set náhradních osiček do in-line bruslí, sada 8 kusů. Osy o rozměru 8 mm a jsou vyrobeny z hliníku s
Náhradní osičky do bruslí Powerslide Precision Spacer. Dostupné ve třech barevných provedeních: če
-0 %
POWERSLIDE Osičky do ložisek 608 Precision Spacer 8mm 1ks
1.46 EUR1.47 EUR