Wheels and bearings for skates, scooters and skateboards. Chose appropriate size and hardness of wheels. Tougher wheels are faster, but bump more. Softer wheels have better adhesion and are more comfortable on a coarse surface. The higher the number, the higher wheel hardness - 85A wheels are then harder than 80A. Choosing bearings is much more complicated. Norms ABEC and ILQ with number plate are two most common norm used for bearings. Bearings ABEC 9 are more accurate than ABEC 5, as well as ILQ 9 are better than ILQ 5. Used materials are also very important. The price of bearings reflects overall quality very well.
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Undercover Team 84 / 86 White Four-Wheel Urban Inline Skating Adventures Wide Selection of Urban W
UNDERCOVER Team 84/86A White, 4-pack
47.00 EUR
Born on the 29th of July in 1997, USD's commitment to aggressive skating is stronger than ever, cons
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USD USD Team 58/90A, 4-pack
26.93 EUR26.94 EUR
Kolečka Powerslide Infinity (4ks) - nejpoužívanější in-line fitness kolečka Infinit, jsou určena pro
Set náhradních osiček do in-line bruslí, sada 8 kusů. Osy o rozměru 8 mm a jsou vyrobeny z hliníku s
Náhradní osičky do bruslí Powerslide Precision Spacer. Dostupné ve třech barevných provedeních: če
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POWERSLIDE Osičky do ložisek 608 Precision Spacer 8mm 1ks
1.46 EUR1.47 EUR
Undercover kolečka GRINDROCKS II o velikosti 44mm x 22m do aggressive bruslí. Kolečka jsou v černé b
Rychlá inline kolečka Matter Super Juice najdou uplatnění na všech površích. Minimalní odpor a skvěl
Dětská inline kola Powerslide Adventure Kids jsou vhodná pro fitness ježdění. Díky velké škále rozmě