Wheels and bearings for skates, scooters and skateboards. Chose appropriate size and hardness of wheels. Tougher wheels are faster, but bump more. Softer wheels have better adhesion and are more comfortable on a coarse surface. The higher the number, the higher wheel hardness - 85A wheels are then harder than 80A. Choosing bearings is much more complicated. Norms ABEC and ILQ with number plate are two most common norm used for bearings. Bearings ABEC 9 are more accurate than ABEC 5, as well as ILQ 9 are better than ILQ 5. Used materials are also very important. The price of bearings reflects overall quality very well.
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Freestyle inline kolečka Powerslide Spinner vynikají svou ovladatelností, výborným gripem a dlouhou
POWERSLIDE Spinner Red 100mm 88A 3ks
32.88 EUR
Undercover RAW White 110mm 85A je velmi rychlé kolo s ultra vysokým odskokem, které poskytuje skvělo
Ložiska IQON BLACK se neřídí standardy - místo toho vytvářejí nové. V kombinaci s rámy Decode umožňu
Kolečka Powerslide Accel (6ks) jsou velmi rychlá kola Ultra High Rebound s dvojitou hustotou, které
POWERSLIDE Accel 125mm 85A 6ks
126.29 EUR
Tuto kovovou rozpěrku rámu lze použít k montáži 150mm PU kol Powerslide Roadrunner do rámů SUV Outba
Kolečka Undercover King of Slides (4ks) jsou odborníky navržená freestylová kolečka pro městské brus
Powerslide Spinner 110 White wheels are probably the best money-for-value high-performance urban fre