Water wheels
Water wheels for in-line skates are made of special mixture of materials, also they a offered in softer versions. With these wheels you can easily skate even during rain a during power rebound. However, they are significantly slower on dry surfaces and they are likely to be unusable faster.
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K2 Rainfly jsou závodní inline kolečka na kolečkové brusle ve velikosti 110mm a tvrdosti 85A navržen
-10 %
K2 Rainfly 110mm 85A 4ks
55.33 EUR61.66 EUR
Kolečka Powerslide Torrent Rain (4ks) - Powerslide přichází s prvním modelem určeným pro mokrou trať
Powerslides´ Torrent 125 DD wheel is a new rain skating wheel. The Torrent wheel has been under deve
Inline kolečka Powerslide Torrent Rain jsou zkonstruována tak, aby neklouzala při bruslení v mokru.
-10 %
POWERSLIDE Torrent Rain 125mm 84A/70A 6ks kolečka na mokro
159.97 EUR177.75 EUR
K2 Rainfly jsou fitness inline kolečka na kolečkové brusle ve velikosti 90mm a tvrdosti 85A navržená
-9 %
K2 Rainfly 90mm 85A 4ks
46.54 EUR51.71 EUR