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Rámy na korčule
Náhradné rámy na kolieskové inline korčule. Vymeniteľné rámy sú na korčuliach pripevnené dvomi skrutkami prechádzajúcimi spodnou časťou topánky a pozdĺžnou osou rámu. Rozstup skrutiek je najčastejšie 195mm alebo 165mm. Na mnohých modeloch fitness korčúľ rámy vymeniť nie je možné. Pri agresiv korčuliach sú vymeniteľné modely označené UFS a rozstup je 165mm.
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The Core Performance 84 - 10.3 frame has been created to bring amazing quality and performance at th
A fast, fun, affordable and ready to help you win the next reace, it’ ths Core Performance 110/100 -
Size M is made for Decode 80 and 90 Frames. Did you see that rail around the corner? The optional De
IQON Decode Grindblock M
20.32 EUR
“We made this frame with the intention of making a classic. A neutral piece of equipment for freeska
KIZER Edge 80 NT Silver
142.30 EUR
If you’re looking for a lightweight, fast, and stable urban inline skating frame, look no further th
KIZER Element 80 Black
132.14 EUR
Delivering the speed of 110mm wheels and the agility of a light triskate frame, the POWERSLIDE Elite
High-speed inline skating performance mixed with an innovative braking technology to deliver unmatch
Introducing THE Soulplate - the ultimate choice for skaters who demand the very best in performance,
Disroyal Flat Soulplates Black
45.73 EUR