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Náhradné rámy na kolieskové inline korčule. Vymeniteľné rámy sú na korčuliach pripevnené dvomi skrutkami prechádzajúcimi spodnou časťou topánky a pozdĺžnou osou rámu. Rozstup skrutiek je najčastejšie 195mm alebo 165mm. Na mnohých modeloch fitness korčúľ rámy vymeniť nie je možné. Pri agresiv korčuliach sú vymeniteľné modely označené UFS a rozstup je 165mm.
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When you’re looking to reach new speeds and ultimate inline skating performance, there is only one f
POWERSLIDE 3X 125 - 12.5 /3x125, TRI
162.63 EUR
Powerslide Accell Carbon 13.0 / 3 x 125 High-Performance Inline Racing Frame Strong, Lightweig
POWERSLIDE ACCEL carbon 13.0/3x125, 195
406.60 EUR
Kizer Known for high-quality, innovative products, Kizer is the most renowned and longest-running a
KIZER Advance 80 Black
60.98 EUR
Loading.. Nah, all has been_D3c0d3d_! High quality frames_that give you_freedom on_various setup opt
IQON CL Decode Pro 110 Bright
162.63 EUR
Loading.. Nah, all has been_D3c0d3d_! High quality frames_that give you_freedom on_various setup opt
IQON CL Decode Pro 110 Dark Combo
189.06 EUR
Loading.. Nah, all has been_D3c0d3d_! High quality frames_that give you_freedom on_various setup opt
IQON CL Decode Pro 80 Dark
162.63 EUR
The original and legendary Juicy Plates for the Classic Thrones. Update your old Classic Throne with
USD CL Throne Juicy Plate Black
10.15 EUR
POWERSLIDE’s collection of Combat Rocker frames is designed to give urban freeride skaters everythin
POWERSLIDE Combat Rocker 308/4x100, TRI
172.80 EUR
Introducing the POWERSLIDE Core X-perience, an exceptional addition to the POWERSLIDE X-perience col
-0 %
POWERSLIDE Core X-perience 10.1"/4x84,3x110/165,155
101.63 EUR101.64 EUR