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Náhradné rámy na kolieskové inline korčule. Vymeniteľné rámy sú na korčuliach pripevnené dvomi skrutkami prechádzajúcimi spodnou časťou topánky a pozdĺžnou osou rámu. Rozstup skrutiek je najčastejšie 195mm alebo 165mm. Na mnohých modeloch fitness korčúľ rámy vymeniť nie je možné. Pri agresiv korčuliach sú vymeniteľné modely označené UFS a rozstup je 165mm.
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Strip down to only the bare necessities, the POWERSLIDE EGO 100 - 231 TRINITY frame is focused on on
POWERSLIDE Ego 231/3x100, TRI
87.42 EUR
Super light, super strong, and super fast - the POWERSLIDE Ego SL 110 - 243 Black TRI frame will hel
POWERSLIDE Ego SL 243/3x110 Black, TRI
121.97 EUR
For ultimate inline skating performance, look no further than the Elite 100 - 305 Black TRI frame PO
For ultimate inline skating performance, look no further than the Elite 100 - 305 White TRI frame PO
The POWERSLIDE Elite Syncro 110 - 270 TRI White Triskate frame is the masterpiece a lot of skaters w
Introducing THE Soulplate - the ultimate choice for skaters who demand the very best in performance,
Disroyal Flat Soulplates Red
45.73 EUR
The famous Fluid family of aggressive frames just got a little bigger and we couldn’t be happier! Sa
KIZER Fluid V Team White
46.75 EUR
Crafted from Ultra-High Molecular Weight (UHMW) polyethylene, these soul plates are engineered to de
-0 %
GAWDS Gawds UHMW Soulplate
101.63 EUR101.64 EUR
If you’ve been skating hard and tearing up the streets, it may be time to replace the soul plates on
MESMER Mesmer Black Souls JB
50.82 EUR