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Náhradné rámy na kolieskové inline korčule. Vymeniteľné rámy sú na korčuliach pripevnené dvomi skrutkami prechádzajúcimi spodnou časťou topánky a pozdĺžnou osou rámu. Rozstup skrutiek je najčastejšie 195mm alebo 165mm. Na mnohých modeloch fitness korčúľ rámy vymeniť nie je možné. Pri agresiv korčuliach sú vymeniteľné modely označené UFS a rozstup je 165mm.
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The famous Fluid family of aggressive frames just got a little bigger and we couldn’t be happier! Sa
KIZER Fluid V Team Grey
46.75 EUR
Are you a freestyle inline skater with petite feet? Don’t worry, POWERSLIDE has you covered. The Kat
POWERSLIDE Katana Rocker 219/4x72, TRI
121.97 EUR
Combining the benefits of urban freeskating and aggressive skating in one amazing package it’s the L
KIZER Level 3.1.
40.65 EUR
Mesmer Souls DB Extra (A darker version of the Dom Bruce plate) Love your Mesmer Thrones but want t
MESMER Mesmer Green Souls DB
40.65 EUR
Elevate your aggressive inline skating game with the new Mesmer John Bolino white replacement soul p
MESMER Mesmer Souls JB
50.82 EUR
Introducing the Powerslide MG Frame designed for 4x84mm wheels, this frame is perfect for racing and
121.97 EUR
The Nexus Rocker 215 - 90 Black TRI from POWERSLIDE is an innovative freestyle frame that provides a
Powerslide Nova Frames - the grace of simplicity in a single package We are thrilled to introduce t
POWERSLIDE Nova 290/3x110, TRI
152.47 EUR
The orginal Xsjado plate. Fast, long-lasting, iconic, developed by Shane Coburn and Dustin Latimer a
USD Shadow Baseplate 1, black
10.15 EUR
The orginal Xsjado plate. Fast, long-lasting, iconic, developed by Shane Coburn and Dustin Latimer a
USD Shadow Baseplate 1, grey
10.15 EUR