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Náhradné rámy na kolieskové inline korčule. Vymeniteľné rámy sú na korčuliach pripevnené dvomi skrutkami prechádzajúcimi spodnou časťou topánky a pozdĺžnou osou rámu. Rozstup skrutiek je najčastejšie 195mm alebo 165mm. Na mnohých modeloch fitness korčúľ rámy vymeniť nie je možné. Pri agresiv korčuliach sú vymeniteľné modely označené UFS a rozstup je 165mm.
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The orginal Xsjado plate. Fast, long-lasting, iconic, developed by Shane Coburn and Dustin Latimer a
USD Shadow Baseplate 1, darkgreen
10.15 EUR
The orginal Xsjado plate. Fast, long-lasting, iconic, developed by Shane Coburn and Dustin Latimer a
USD Shadow Baseplate 1, red
10.15 EUR
Introducing the ultimate upgrade to your Shadow skates - the Shadow Soulplates. Made from the finest
USD Shadow Soulplate 1, darkgreen
10.15 EUR
Kizer Known for high-quality, innovative products, Kizer is the most renowned and longest-running a
KIZER Shift Unlimited Skeleton
55.90 EUR
Kizer Known for high-quality, innovative products, Kizer is the most renowned and longest-running a
-0 %
KIZER Shift Unlimited White
101.63 EUR101.64 EUR
The Powerslide Stride Control is a small little plastic wedge that can be placed under the heel and
POWERSLIDE Stride Control
10.15 EUR
CNC 1/2, tzn: Podvozek na in-line hokej ze speciální AL slitiny. Síla podvozku 2,8mm, CNC 1/2. Bale
41.19 EUR
Renown throughout the inline skating industry, POWERSLIDE’s 3X frame collection is one of the most s
The 3X family is a renowned collection of inline racing frames from POWERSLIDE and the 3X4 90 - 11 B
-0 %
POWERSLIDE 3X4 11.0/4x90 Black Gold, 195/165
101.63 EUR101.64 EUR
The Triple X family just got a little bigger - say hello to the 3X4 100 - 12.0 Black Gold frame from